U.S. Customs Transponders

U.S. Customs Transponders fee increase

October will be the beginning of a fee increase on U.S. Customs Transponders.  The fees are jumping from $418.27 to $752.85 USD annually. This increase is also happening to single trips which were $14.24 and will now be charged at $19.60. So, brace yourselves for a huge jump when renewing your Customs Transponders.

This rate is not prorated so you will see this no matter what time of year you choose to pay your U.S. Customs Transponder fees.

The user fee begins January 1st and runs through the end of the year on December 31st. If you forget to renew your annual User Fee, you will be charged on a per-crossing base.

U.S. Customs Transponders and Commercial Vehicles

The U.S. Customs transponders is a sticker that affixed to the commercial vehicle that contains a radio-frequency identification chip (RFID) that transmits the information to U.S. Border Services. The transponders have a life span of 10 years and remain with the vehicle even if you sell that vehicle. That being said, if the previous owner has paid for the annual user fee, then the transponder can be moved to the new owner along with the vehicle.

The transponder must be placed:

  • horizontally on the inside lower left of the truck’s windshield,
  • at least 2 ½ inches away from the vehicle frame,
  • within a band of 41/2 inches from the bottom of the windshield,
  • and lastly; must be at least 3 inches from any other windshield mounted transponders.

Better get your tape measurer out to make sure you meet all of the qualifications! The transponders cannot be affixed to wing windows, and you should avoid areas of the glass that have curvature. And be sure to avoid areas that affect the vision for the driver. If you try to remove the transponder after has been put on will make it so it no longer works. As the adage advises, “Measure twice, apply once!”

And remember, if getting your U.S. Customs Transponders set up and renewed annually is one more part of your business you hate doing, our friendly experts would be happy to help you out. Feel free to chat with us to make your business one step easier, and one less thing you have to worry about.

US Customs Tranponder User Fee

(photo wiki)

Do you need a US Customs transponder, have questions about the user fee? Feel free to contact us, click the button below.

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US Customs and Border Protection information on User Fees