Payment method is about to change for fourth quarter KYU taxes
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is changing up how you will file your fourth quarter Kentucky Weight Distance (KYU) tax. Starting January 1st, 2025, all payments will need to be done through the Motor Carrier Portal at https://drive.ky.gov/Motor-Carriers/Pages/KYU.aspx
Through the portal you will be able to pay with a credit card, debit card, or ACH (an electronic transfer). Mailed checks with vouchers will not be accepted.
The fourth quarter is due on or before January 31, 2025, and don’t be late otherwise you will face a $500 late fee and licence cancellation, which nobody wants to get caught with.
What is the Kentucky Weight Distance Tax?
KYU is a tax that must be paid by commercial vehicle travelling through the state of Kentucky that weigh more than 59,999 pounds (27, 215 kilograms). If you are not a regular traveller of Kentucky roads you can purchase a one time temporary permit.
KYU is a one time application, that is no cost. The only costs come with the per use mile usage that you must file.
If you apply for a KYU number online you will be issued a number immediately after you apply. If you mail in your application prepare for the application to take 10-14 business days to process and you will receive a KYU number once the application is processed.
If your vehicle runs with farm plates you are exempt from needing a KYU number and paying the associated taxes.
If you need a permit you can apply through the https://drive.ky.gov/Motor-Carriers/Pages/KYU.aspx webpage. This page provides links for applying, and quarterly filing for KYU.
Through this page you can update your inventory of all qualified vehicles that travel in Kentucky.
And remember if you have a vehicle listed, you must file for it every quarter, even if it did not travel through Kentucky. You will need to report it with zero miles.
Need help? Hate filing electronically?
Peter Suess Transportation Consultant’s team of experts can help you apply, update, and file, your KYU taxes. This way you’ll never have to be late or worry that they’ve been done wrong. Connect with us today to find out more.
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