2019 UCR Registration fees

*New*  UCR renewal is now open visit us here for more information

Don’t pay your 2019 UCR registration just yet.

Hold off on paying your 2019 UCR Registration fees for the time being. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) is still completing their rulemaking processes for 2019 fee levels. Once the processes are complete and published, there will be a three-month window to complete your paperwork with the Unified Carrier Registration board.

Wait for registration to open.

Until such time as the rules are established, just sit back and hold off on paying your 2019 UCR registration fees. If you want a notice from PSTC sent to your mailbox when registration opens be sure to sign up for our newsletter, so you never miss an important update again.

What is UCR? Do I Need to Register with UCR?

All entities with an active DOT number including brokers must file an annual Unified Carrier Registration (UCR). Fees are based on the size of the fleet. UCR replaced the former Single State Authority.  This must be renewed annually.

You can check out the original news release from the UCR website