new entrant audit scam

Watch out New Carriers! Scam emails imitating the FMCSA are being sent around.

Watch out! A new scam targeting new carriers has been found. This new scam is imitating the FMCSA mandatory new entrant audit. This is an actual audit that all newcomers will be expected to complete within the first 18 months of operation.

New carriers who have just received their new MC number will be expecting an email regarding the new entrant audit, and the site it directs you to is scary close in its resemblance to the actual login page from the FMCSA page. The scam is originating from an email address ending in and is not valid.

And you are not necessarily safe from being targeted with this scam if you’ve completed your audit already, this is being sent out to see if they can get you to check in with your credentials even after.

Some notes to look for:

  • The FMCSA has two levels of login. The first page should look like the following:

The second page should look like this:

The scam link bypasses a FMCSA New Entrant page, and goes straight to an imitation portal page as shown below.

Please note that the legitimate portal does not ask for your Social Security Number. Another difference to tell the two apart is that the legitimate portal asks you to click yes if some conditions apply to you like if you need a USDOT PIN, USDOT PIN has been compromised, or if you’ve forgotten your USDOT PIN.

Other things to do to avoid scams:

  • Make sure that the email address ends in @dot.state For example or
  • Go to the source! To avoid a scam link, you can always enter into your internet browser. Then in the FMCSA site search bar, type “new entrant”. This will direct you to the first portal pictured above and you will not have to worry about a page imitating the FMCSA.

The email from does seem very legit, and uses quotes from the Code of Federal Regulations to incite a sense of authority and panic.  For example : “Failure to provide the necessary documentation requested to perform the safety audit, in accordance with 49 CFR section 385.337(b), could result in your New Entrant registration being revoked and your company being placed out-of-service.”

Always check your email sources and link addresses before entering vital information! By putting your Social Security Number in you could end up being the victim of identity theft.If you have or think you have fallen victim to a scam, be sure to visit the FMCSA Broker and Carrier Fraud and Identity theft  page to get a list of what to do.

Remember knowledge is power, so here are some articles on other scams out there so you can keep your eye out and keep yourself and your business safe and secure.

Motor Carrier Identity Theft on the Rise

Misleading Marketing: Biennial Update Certificates