6263542143_28e02e831e_mNew York recently announced that the current Series 21 Highway Use Tax Certificates of Registration and decals will expire December 31, 2015. Carriers will have to renew their Highway Use Tax Certificates of Registration before the end of the year. New York will issue renewals later this year.

What is HUT

The state of New York requires motor carriers which operate certain motor vehicles exceeding 18, 000 lbs to register and to pay a Highway Use Tax on all miles driven in the state New York. The states does allow an exemption on miles traveled on state toll roads provided accurate toll records are kept. Valid toll records include toll receipts or EZ pass statements. Mileage taxes are paid either monthly or quarterly, some motor carriers whose annual liability is under $250 may apply for an annual return.

Qualifying motor carriers must register their company and each vehicle must obtain a Highway Use Tax Certificates of Registration and decal. HUT Certificates and decals are issued in a series that are generally are valid for a three year cycle.

Do you need help with obtaining or filing your HUT

Contact PSTC service bureau

Click here to contact PSTC

photo credit: Taxes – Illustration via photopin (license)