Independent truckers wanting to work on New Brunswick highway projects will now be required to take certain safety courses in an effort to make highway projects safer.

NB road construction

Independent truck operators will now require safety courses

Starting April 1, 2013 private operators of trucks will have to take the following courses:

  • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Orientation
  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training
  • Work Area Traffic Control Manual (WATCM) Awareness Training

According to the New Brunswick website the courses will be available from:

OHS and WHMIS Courses

New Brunswick Construction Safety Association (NBCSA)
Miramichi, NB
Phone 1-877-382-7233 or

Safety Services New Brunswick (SSNB)
Fredericton, NB
Phone 1-877-762-7233 or email

Association of Safety and Health Consultants and Trainers (ASHCAT)

H. Pickard and Associates
Fredericton, NB
Phone 1-888-892-7888 or email

Corkum and Jenkins Safety Consultants
Quispamsis, NB
Phone 506-847-2518 or email

Eastern Construction Safety
Fredericton, NB
Phone 506-455-1151 or email

WATCM Awareness Training is available from the NBDTI website.

Contact the DTI Construction Branch at 506-453-5711 for more information.

New Brunswick is also reminding operators, drivers must have the correct class of license for the vehicles operated and daily pre-trip inspections are also required.

[schema type=”organization” orgtype=”GovernmentOrganization” url=”” name=”New Brunswick Trucker Safety Program” description=”Independent truckers safety program information website ]



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