trucking scams

Trucking and Brokering: A Scam heavy industry

Be vigilant as there many evolving scams targeting new carriers and brokers setting up operating authorities So, you are starting up a new business and you think the hard part is getting your operating authorities set up. Well while that is not easy, it is compounded by the amount of fraudulent and misleading marketing [...]

2024-12-11T16:51:44+00:00December 11th, 2024|trucking scams|

Scam targeting new carriers and their new entrant audits

Watch out New Carriers! Scam emails imitating the FMCSA are being sent around. Watch out! A new scam targeting new carriers has been found. This new scam is imitating the FMCSA mandatory new entrant audit. This is an actual audit that all newcomers will be expected to complete within the first 18 months of [...]

2024-02-16T17:23:34+00:00February 16th, 2024|trucking scams|

Watch out! Motor carrier identity fraud on the rise

How to protect your business from fraud, and what to do if it happens There has been an unfortunate upward trend in fraud against driver motor carrier (MC) number over the last few months. The best defence is often a good offence. This means being aware of incidences and making sure that you are [...]

2023-10-25T20:30:16+00:00October 30th, 2023|trucking scams|

Fraudulent Marketing for KYU Annual Permits Circulating

Watch out for a false email advertising Annual Permits for Kentucky We have recently seen an email circulating to some of our clients marketing Kentucky Annual Permits. This email states that a KYU number is necessary for any vehicle that is 59,000lbs or heavier. Does Kentucky require an annual permit for commercial drivers?  This [...]

2021-09-29T16:17:00+00:00September 29th, 2021|Misleading marketing|

The latest in Misleading Marketing: Biennial Update Certificates

What exactly is a Biennial Update Certificate? And do you need one? There is an email going around offering to give carriers a Biennial Update Certificate and optional ID cards as proof of compliance with the FMCSA’s rules on filing a biennial return. Here is a snapshot of the email: This email is a [...]

2019-03-04T15:21:55+00:00March 4th, 2019|Misleading marketing, trucking scams|

MisleadingPortal Access Requests for U.S. DOT FMCSA

More Misleading Marketing in the Trucking Industry.   We at PSTC hate scammers, frauds, and underhanded business tactics. It gives a good industry with primarily good people and good businesses a shady side. This is why we are continuing our series of blog posts about misleading marketing in the trucking industry. This blog is [...]

2018-08-24T01:57:56+00:00August 25th, 2018|Misleading marketing, trucking scams|

Misleading Marketing: Now Targeting Your DOT Biennial Update

Marketers are using Scare Tactics to Add You to Their Client List We no sooner hit the publish button on our blog about emails impersonating the FMCSA for gaining business, when we received an email using another alarming marketing tactic. This time the sender is using the U.S. DOT Biennial Update deadline as their [...]

2019-01-25T02:01:09+00:00April 16th, 2018|Misleading marketing, trucking scams|

Watch out for Fraudulent Marketing Ploys Targeting Carriers

Misleading and Fraudulent Marketers are Targeting Carriers to Try and Gain Their Business. One method is by impersonating the FMCSA. Unfortunately, we are living in a time where too many dishonest people are using misleading techniques to scare honest people into giving them their business. While this is not the first example we have [...]

2018-03-29T20:15:14+00:00April 3rd, 2018|trucking scams, Uncategorized|

Fraudulent and Misleading Marketing to New FMCSA Applicants

  Aggressive and misleading marketing, this is not the first time we have written about this subject and looks like it won't be our last.   For anyone who has applied for a DOT or MC, MX, or FF operating authority it is likely you have been bombarded with phone calls, faxes and emails from [...]

Aggressive Marketing in the Trucking Industry

I have written about this subject before, scams and aggressive marketing in the trucking industry, it is rampant.  Clients tell me sometimes their heads spin with people calling and emailing all the time offering this service, that service and sometimes trying to make themselves out to be something they aren't in order to make a [...]

2016-11-14T18:45:44+00:00June 21st, 2016|Operating Authority, Tid bits, trucking scams|
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