Fuel Taxes

Why do Canadians pay so much IFTA Fuel Tax when they buy fuel in the United States?

Why do Canadians pay so much IFTA Fuel  Tax when they buy fuel in the United States? As fuel prices skyrocket I am getting this question more and more because traditionally fuel prices are cheaper in the United States as compared to most of Canada.  As carriers and drivers buy more fuel in the US, [...]

2016-11-14T18:46:07+00:00April 4th, 2012|Fuel Taxes|

Truckers Save Money on Fuel and Taxes

Truckers Save Money on Fuel and Taxes With our Top Fuel 5 Saving Tips For Truckers The days of cheap fuel are over and it looks like they won’t be coming back anytime soon. Reducing the amount of fuel your trucks burn every week is the only way to cut the costs of fueling [...]

2016-11-14T18:46:12+00:00September 6th, 2011|Fuel Taxes, Money saving ideas, Tid bits|

How can a Canadian Carrier save money on fuel and IFTA fuel taxes?

Since fuel costs are one of the largest expenses a carrier has it is always something they are very concerned about.  As oil prices have skyrocketed carriers are frantically looking to save every where they can.  Most interstate carriers have the option to pick where they want to purchase fuel as they drive through a [...]

2016-11-14T18:46:13+00:00June 17th, 2011|Fuel Taxes, Money saving ideas|
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